OrcheSight helps you manage your on-site collection and Remote Collection.

OrcheSight allows multiple reviewers to investigate various evidence in a unified and easy to use interface

OrcheSight platform allows multiple reviewer investigate multiple evidence in unified and easy to use interface

OrcheSight advanced case management allows you to manage your case and track your insights progress.

OrcheSight can produce one report from multipal evidence and reduce the time and efforts.
Why OrcheSight
Process data according to your needs, not limited to your tools.
Distribute digital evidence content to any size of teams.
Set your quality standards and systematically control them!

OrcheSight Technologies builds on three main concepts: microservices, containers, and Kobernetiks technologies that allow us to provide one flexible and scalable platform to answer our client's needs on-premises or on the cloud. This technology will enable us to become the most advance digital forensic and eDiscovery platform.

Easy to use
One of the most significant challenges in technology is how to provide a robust system with many features and keep an easy-to-use interface. OrcheSight stands to this challenge by using a variety of interface customization, pre-configured tasks, and native views.

Future Proof
OrcheSight platform provides peace of mind, not only that you use the recent technologies that will stay relevant for a long time, but you can also grow quickly with no effort. Even more, OrcheSight provides effective change management by allowing you to change the processing engine without any other change or training.

We understand that different organization coop with different needs, OrcheSight provide an extensive set of tools providing you the flexibility and customization to tailor the platform to your needs. You can extend the flexibility by using our API.
Control every aspect of your project.
Set your quality standards and systematically control it

Law Enforcement
OrcheSight's rich experience in working with leading law enforcement agencies allows us to understand the unique requirements of law enforcement and support their day to day tasks.

OrcheSight allows enterprises to manage and perform audits, internal and cyber investigations in one platform. As a result, preserve your know-how and increase your compliance.

OrcheSight Infrastructure allows us to provide the flexibility required by government agencies. Including big data analytics to evidence examination.

OrcheSight allows you to manage your cases, perform early case assessment, and document review in one easy-to-use platform. OrcheSight brings cost-effectiveness to the next level.
Multiple products make OrcheSight one unified platform

Big Data Analysis
The amount of data we need to understand is skyrocketing. OrcheSight allows search cross-case or the entire dataset and provide effective analytics to increase your confidence.

OrcheSight understands that the legal market evolves law firm is moving from using a tool that assists them on demand, to using a platform that provides more value continuously.

Digital Forensic
OrcheSight raised the bar by providing multiple people working on numerous evidence processed by multiple engines in one easy-to-use interface while keeping the integrity.

Case Management
The value of case management is evident. However, the ability to correlate the case management with the data from the digital evidence makes us unique.

OrcheSight provides an end-to-end solution as a shelf product or tailor-made to the customer's needs and includes advanced Case management and the ability to dive into the investigation platform from the same interface.
OrcheSight combines ease of use, speed, case and team management, and an in-depth digital forensic investigation.
OrcheSight focused on the user and is committed to providing a wide range of tools to manage your cases and complete your investigations quickly, accurately, and efficiently. In addition, OrcheSight delivers an intuitive interface that allows you to understand and locate the relevant pieces of evidence quickly.
OrcheSight Technologies Ltd
18 Haroshet Street,
Ramat Hashron.
Tel: +97235107080